Friday 29 October 2010

Raffle for the Ellis Appeal

My 2 year old cousin Ellis has been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. There is no cure and he will never be able to work (for more information, please visit their website) We are raising money for him for all of the equipment he will need in the future (wheelchairs, walking aids etc) and also for that dream holiday to DisneyLand. The next big thing we are raising cash for is a car which is able to seat a wheelchair. Therefore I am running a raffle to win a free photoshoot. The photoshoot includes the sitting and all of the photos on disk. All I ask if for £2 a ticket (you can purchase as many as you want) The raffle will be drawn by Ellis on the 19th of November at a Charity Disco. If you would like tickets, please contact me at Thank you.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

hartbeatz Car Audio

If you need a stereo fitted, amps and subs boxed up in the boot or a bluetooth adapter wired up. Then look no further. Hartbeatz offer simple to complex car audio solutions at great pricing. I joined the owner on a job and took some photographs of his work for his advertising. For Hartbeatz contact details please do not hesitate to get in touch or if you would like photographs taken for your business advertising. 

Tuesday 12 October 2010

What I have been up to

With wedding and summer season over. I usually get about a months rest in October before the Christmas bookings start in November and December. What have I been up to? Well I have found time to continue writing my first book. I am writing a story to make a cause I am very passionate about, become even more recognised. I cannot say much more than that but once the book is finished and hopefully published, I will let you all know the name. I have also been busy buying new bits for the business, got a new laptop the other day which is fabulous for photos. Its Dell, it has a powerful processor to cope with the work and software I run and also has a brilliant True Life HD screen. The only thing is it's really heavy! I have also been looking at new cameras. The technology is really advanced and the cameras are getting better and better with more features. I really want one of the new Canon's with the HD video on too. We will see how my profit goes! I went to meet a lovely Italian couple the other day about their wedding next July. I got the booking this week. I will look forward to that. I am also getting a new pet on Saturday, an African Pygmy Hedgehog. Very unusual, but absolutely gorgeous. I cannot wait to pick it up. I have a busy Christmas coming up, have about 10 bookings already for portraits, an engagement party and a Christmas wedding. After Christmas I plan to go on holiday for my birthday in February, probably the Caribbean as I love it there. Wanted to do a Lion Volunteer holiday where you feed and bring up the orphaned cubs up but we'll see. I hope to post some more work soon, just enjoying my little break. Will write soon. Take care.